
Spanish Verbal Periphrasis With Gerund Exercises



I. Translate the sentences using gerund!

1. I don't have time now because I'm doing gymnsatics 


2. Are you still repairing the same car ?


3. The bread is slowly baking


4. The electricity has not worked for a long time in the apartments


5. Before there was no internet, so letters were sent by post


6. Xaver finally moved away from home


7. The neighbor is at home all day reading


8. Samantha  has been walking to school for 2 hours


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What is your opinion?


Igor said...

8. Samantha lleva andando a la escuela hace 2 horas

Igor said...

1. Ahora no tengo tiempo porque estoy haciendo gimnasia
2. Sigues reparando el mismo coche?

LZL said...

Ambas oraciones son correctas.

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