Latin American Spanish Idioms


This is a Chilean phrase and literally means 'I am duck'
You can use it when you don't have money

Let's see an example

You have to pay your son's training fee but you don't have enough money. 

El entrenador dice : María no has pagado la tarifa mensual todavía. 

María dice : Lo sé. Perdí mi trabajo y estoy pato

(The coach says : Maria you haven't paid the monthly fee yet. Maria says: I know. I lost my job and I don't have enough money)


This is a Peruvian phrase and literally means 'I am pineapple'. Use it when you feel unlucky.

For example :

No gané la lotería. ¡Qué piña soy!
(I didn't win the lottery. How unluck I am )


This is a Colombian phrase and literally means 'It's out for paint'. You can use this phrase when something is ready

For example : 

Envolví los regalos. El paquete sale pa' pintura. Llevalo a la oficina de correos
( I wrapped the gifts. The package is ready. Take it to the post office) 

What is your opinion?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gracias LZL 👋