Spanish learning


According to the Real Academia Española , the Spanish Alphabet has 27 lettersCapitalization in general, only personal and place names, some abbreviations, only the first word in the title of movies or books, songs. Differential accents  Homonyms are distinguished with written accents on the stressed syllable. (e.g.: te /you/- /tea/, se/3rd person reflexive/ - /know/

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Colors are adjectives, names of the colors must agree with the nouns in both gender and number. Names of colors come after the nouns. Here are some nouns that are used as colors: beige, beis - beige;  cereza - cherry colored;  chocolate - chocolate colored;  humo - smoky;  mostaza - mustard colored;  oro - gold;  turquesa - turquoise 

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Check out this lesson with food related words for beginners.Get ready to expand your food vocabulary and feel confident communicating in any shopping scenario.

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Increase your Spanish vocabulary with shopping related words, ranging from various types of clothes.

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Interrogative words are words used to form questions. They are also known as "question words". Some common interrogative words include "who", "what", "when", "where", "why", and "how". These words are used to seek information or clarification from others. Interrogative words are the foundation of communication because they allow us to gain information, express confusion, and understand others better. By using interrogative words, we can ask the right questions to uncover the answers we need.

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Spanish adjectives like in any other language are words used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. Adjectives can provide more information about the size, color, shape, nationality, age, personality, or any other characteristic of the noun they accompany.In Spanish, adjectives usually come after the noun they describe.  For example, instead of saying "a blue car" as in English, in Spanish one would say "un coche azul," with the adjective "azul" (blue) following the noun "coche" (car). One of the most interesting aspects of Spanish adjectives is that they must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Masculine adjectives end in vowel -o, and  feminine adjectives end in vowel -a. This means that if the noun is feminine, the adjective must also be feminine, and if the noun is plural, the adjective must be plural as well. For example, to describe a group of red flowers, one would say "flores rojas" (the feminine plural form of "red"). 
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The present tense in Spanish is used to express actions that are currently taking place or habitual actions. It is formed by adding certain endings to the infinitive form of the verb. Spanish verbs are grouped into 3 types. These are end in -er , -ar and -ir. The conjugation is based on these. For example, the present tense of the verb "hablar" (to talk) is "yo hablo, tú hablas, él/ella/usted habla, nosotros/as hablamos, vosotros/as habláis, ellos/ellas/ustedes hablan." The present tense is one of the most important tenses in Spanish and it is essential for communication in everyday conversations.

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The Spanish present perfect tense is used to describe past actions or events that have a relevance or connection to the present. It is formed by combining the present tense of the verb haber (to have) with the past participle of the main verb. For example:  "He visitado España" (I have visited Spain). It is important to note that the present perfect tense is not used to describe specific moments in the past, but instead focuses on the result or outcome of the action. In addition, the present perfect tense is often used to describe experiences, actions that have been repeated over time, and recent actions.
Present Perfect Exercise
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Are you ready to learn about one of the most important Spanish verbs? Let's talk about ser! This verb, known as the "to be" verb, is essential in any conversation in Spanish.  For starters, it's an irregular verb, which means it doesn't follow the regular conjugation patterns of most Spanish verbs.  Once you master ser, you'll be able to express things like identity and location with ease. Ser is used to talk about permanent characteristics or qualities, such as nationality or personality traits. 

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If you're learning Spanish, you'll quickly realize just how important the two "to be" verbs, ser and estar, are in the language.These Spanish verbs might seem confusing at first, but once you understand their differences, you'll be able to use them with ease. As irregular verb, it doesn't follow the normal conjugation patterns. Estar is used for temporary states or conditions, such as  location or emotions.
Estar Exercise
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If you're planning a trip to Spain or any other Spanish-speaking country, it's important to know some key phrases that will help you get by in a restaurant.When you're dining out in a Spanish restaurant, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it's customary to order tapas, or small plates, to share with your table. This is a great way to try a little bit of everything on the menu.If you're not sure what to order, ask the waiter for recommendations. They'll be happy to help you find the perfect dish. And don't forget to try the sangria! This delicious red wine punch is a must-have when dining in Spain.In this lesson you'll learn how to order food in a Spanish restaurant.

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Picture this: you're sitting on a plane, waiting for takeoff, when suddenly the person next to you strikes up a conversation. But it's not just any conversation - they start speaking in Spanish and before you know it, you're fully immersed in an exciting discussion about their recent vacation

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PAST TENSE - Indefinido

Spanish has two different past tense forms: the "indefinido" (simple past) and the "imperfecto" (imperfect). The "indefinido" is used to describe completed actions in the past.The "indefinido" is formed by adding the appropriate ending to the root of the verb. However, there are many irregular verbs that have their own unique forms in this tense. For example, the verb "ser" (to be) has the irregular forms "fui" (I was), "fuiste" (you were), "fue" (he/she/it was), etc.Understanding and using both the "indefinido" and "imperfecto" is essential for effective communication in Spanish. By knowing when to use each tense, speakers are able to accurately convey information and tell stories about the past.

PAST TENSE - Imperfecto

Spanish has two different past tense forms: the "indefinido" (simple past) and the "imperfecto" (imperfect). The "imperfecto" is used to describe past actions that were ongoing or habitualOn the other hand, the "imperfecto" is formed by taking the root of the verb and adding the appropriate ending to the "ar," "er," or "ir" stem. The endings for the "imperfecto" are the same for all verbs. Learn the difference between indefinido and imperfecto.

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In this grammar lesson, we'll break down everything you need to know about this important aspect of the language. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, understanding how to use and conjugate Spanish infinitives is key to speaking and writing with confidence.We'll explore everything from its basic definition to its various forms and uses, regular verbs to irregularities,  common mistakes.  Infinitive is the most basic form of a verb. They are always end in -ar, -er,-ir.

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Spanish participle is an essential element of the Spanish language that is used to express various forms of actions and conditions. A participle is a verbal form that acts both as a verb and an adjective, providing great versatility and flexibility in the language. There are two types of Spanish participles - the present participle and the past participle, both of which are used in various tenses and constructions. Participle is the equivalent of the '-ing' form in English. There are regular and irregular verb forms. The irregular form is used as an adjective. 


If you're struggling to understand the Spanish gerund, don't worry - there's a solution. The video will likely begin with a brief explanation of what the gerund is and how it functions in Spanish sentences. From there, the lesson may progress into more detail on topics such as conjugation, irregular verbs, and common uses of the gerund in everyday conversation.Learn how to make infinitives into gerunds. The verb form always end in -ndo.


Verbal periphrasis with infinitive is a very common structure in the Spanish language. This structure is used to express an action that has not yet been carried out, but is expected to happen in the future. It is formed with an auxiliary verb conjugated in the present or past followed by the preposition "a" and a verb in the infinitive form. For example:  "Voy a estudiar para el examen" or "Acabo de llegar a casa". In these examples, "voy" and "acabo" are the auxiliary verbs and "estudiar" and "llegar" are the verbs in infinitive.This structure is also used to express obligation, recommendation or intention. For example: "Deberías comer más verduras", "Me gustaría ir a la playa este fin de semana" o "Tienes que terminar tu tarea antes de salir". In these examples, "deberías", "me gustaría" & "tienes que" are  auxiliary verbs followed by verbs in the infinitive.Verbal periphrasis with infinitive is a very useful and versatile form of expression in Spanish. It is used in both formal and everyday language and is essential for effective communication in the language.With verbal periphrases we express something by using two verbs in a sentence. Structure: conjugated auxiliary verb + verb (acabo de leer)

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Spanish verbal periphrasis with a participle is a linguistic structure that involves the use of an auxiliary verb followed by a past participle to express actions or states in the past, present, or future. This construction adds complexity and nuance to the Spanish language, allowing for more precise and versatile expressions. Whether used to convey habitual actions, ongoing processes, or completed events, verbal periphrasis with a participle plays a fundamental role in Spanish grammar and is key to effective communication. In this video, we will explore the various uses and forms of Spanish verbal periphrasis with a participle, providing examples and explanations to help you master this aspect of the language.  

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Christmas is a deeply religious holiday in Spain.Tradition is the Three Wise Men (Gaspar, Melchor , Baltasar) bring gifts to children on January 6th. Childrens place their shoes on balconies or windows in the hope that the Wise Men fill them with gifts.But before that,they fill their shoes with straw for the tired camels that carry the Three Wise Men .

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In this instructional video, you will learn how to tell the time. Whether you are a young student just starting to learn about clocks or an adult looking to brush up on your time-telling skills, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the basics of reading analogue clocks . By the end of this video, you will be able to tell time confidently and accurately. So grab a watch or clock and let's get started! To tell the time you have to know the verb 'ser ' and of course the numbers. To indicate time of day use de la madrugada, de la mañana, de la tarde, de la noche

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THE VERB  'Poner'

The Spanish language is known for its rich and fascinating vocabulary, including a wide array of interesting verbs and idioms. One of the most useful and versatile verbs in Spanish is "poner," which translates to "to put" or "to place." The poner verb has a variety of different uses, from indicating physical positioning to expressing emotions or ideas. Additionally, there are numerous idioms in Spanish that incorporate the poner verb, which can add depth and nuance to your language skills. In this video, we will explore the many facets of the poner verb and examine some of the most common poner idioms used in the Spanish language.

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Vacations are the perfect escape from the monotony of everyday life, and a time to immerse oneself in new cultures and experiences. Whether you're planning to embark on a beach holiday, a thrilling adventure trip or an educational excursion, preparation is key to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience.Before packing your bags and setting out on your journey, it's important to devise a checklist of essential items such as travel documents, insurance, currency exchange, accommodation bookings and transportation arrangements. You should also research your destination to gain insights into local customs, traditions, and attractions, as well as any potential security risks or health concerns.  Conversation about vacation plans for the summer. The most important questions that you will encounter during a holiday.

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The future tense in Spanish is used to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future. It is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb.It is important to note that there are some irregular verbs in the future tense, such as "tener" (to have), "ser" (to be), "ir" (to go), and "hacer" (to do/make). These verbs have unique conjugations that need to be memorized.The future tense is commonly used to express intentions, predictions, plans, and hypothetical situations. It is an essential tense to communicate about future actions in Spanish. 

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Spanish and English have many common words due to shared linguistic roots and cultural influences. However, it is important to note that while these words may look and sound similar, they may have different meanings in each language. While Spanish and English share many common words, it is important to remember that each language has its own unique nuances and meanings. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of these differences when communicating with Spanish or English speakersSpanish & English words that only change in pronunciation, their written versions are the same.

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If you're visiting a doctor for the first time, it's important to establish a good relationship with them. Here are some tips on how to consult with a doctor effectively.Bring a list of your medical history, allergies and any medications you've been taking. This helps the doctor get a complete picture of your health.Be honest about your symptoms. Describe your symptoms in detail and explain how long you've been experiencing them. Don't be afraid to ask questions and clarify anything you don't understand.In the lesson you can learn what to say if you feel badly and have to go to the doctor.

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Taking a taxi in a foreign country can be a bit daunting, especially if you are not familiar with the local language or customs. However, with a little preparation and knowledge, you can easily navigate the process and reach your destination safely and conveniently. Research the local taxi services: Before you arrive in a foreign country, do some research on the local taxi services. Learn about their rates, availability, and the areas they serve, as well as any specific rules or regulations for taxi travel. You can easily find this information online or in travel guides.Know the fare: Make sure you know the approximate fare to your destination so you can avoid being ripped off by unscrupulous drivers. You can ask your hotel or a local for an estimate or check the taxi service's official website. Spanish conversation video is about how to take a taxi. At the end of the video the most important words are collected which are related to the taxi or transport.

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Renting a car offers a convenient and flexible mode of transportation for travelers and locals alike. Whether you need a car to get around town, explore the countryside, or embark on a road trip, renting a car enables you to go wherever you want at your own pace. With a wide range of vehicles to choose from, from economy cars to luxury SUVs, and flexible rental agreements, renting a car is a practical option for any budget and travel style. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of renting a car, what to consider when renting, and tips for making the most out of your rental experience.

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As we delve into the beauties of the Spanish language, we often come across certain words that pose a challenge when it comes to pronunciation. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Spanish learner, these words can sometimes leave us feeling tongue-tied. However, fear not! In this lesson, we will explore some of these tricky words. So, get ready to empower your linguistic skills and confidently tackle those difficult Spanish words!

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The Spanish imperative mode is an important aspect of the Spanish language that allows for commands, requests, and suggestions to be expressed in a direct and concise manner. Unlike other tenses, the imperative mode is not used to describe actions that have already occurred or may occur in the future; rather, it is concerned with the present moment and the immediate action that needs to be taken. The imperative mode is also unique in that it does not require a subject pronoun, making commands and requests straightforward and to-the-point. Understanding the rules and applications of the Spanish imperative mode is essential for effective communication and language mastery.

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In this airport conversation lesson, you will learn the essential Spanish phrases needed to communicate confidently and effectively in an airport setting. Whether you are a frequent traveler or a first-time flyer, this lesson will equip you with the necessary vocabulary and grammar structures to navigate through various airport scenarios, such as check-in, security, immigration, and boarding. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to converse with airport officials, ask for assistance, make requests, and understand important announcements. So pack your bags, buckle up, and let's begin!

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In today's modern world, living a healthy life has become increasingly important. It is more important than ever to take care of our bodies and minds as we navigate a society full of stress and anxiety. In this lesson I have collected words related to health. Listen to the words then pronounce the words out loud.In the second half of the video, you can check how many words you memorized.

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The Spanish conditional tense is a verb form that is used to express hypothetical or conjectural actions, as well as wishes or desires that are dependent on certain conditions. It is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb, and is often used in conjunction with the subjunctive mood. Whether you're an advanced Spanish speaker or just starting to learn the language, understanding the conditional tense is key to being able to express yourself in a variety of situations. In this article, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of the Spanish conditional tense, including its formation and usage, as well as some common examples to help you master this important aspect of the language.

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From this video, you can learn how to express yourself if you like someone or something and how to conjugate the verb 'like' Gustar and everything that can be important about it

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Spanish reported speech is a key component of the language that allows individuals to convey information or statements made by someone else. It involves transforming someone else's words or ideas into indirect speech while maintaining accuracy and clarity. This grammatical structure is essential for conversation, storytelling, or presenting information, as it enables individuals to quote others or express what someone has said in a different context. By mastering Spanish reported speech, language learners can effectively communicate, report information, and share thoughts, making their conversations more dynamic and engaging.

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This conversation video showcases a typical school conversation between two students.It revolves around how a new student spends his first day at school

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Spanish verbal periphrasis with gerund is a common grammatical construction in the Spanish language, used to express ongoing actions, continuous and incomplete processes, and simultaneous events. This construction involves a main verb in its infinitive form, followed by the auxiliary verb "estar" or "andar" conjugated in the present tense, and the gerund form of the main verb. Spanish speakers often use verbal periphrasis with gerunds in informal contexts, such as daily conversations, and they are a fundamental part of the everyday language. 

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Spanish numbers are essential for communication in the Spanish language. Whether you are counting money, telling time, or talking about your age, knowing how to count in Spanish is an important skill to have. Spanish numerical system is based on the decimal system, which uses ten digits (0-9) in combination to create numbers. Similar to English, the Spanish language has specific rules for counting and ordering numbers. Understanding these rules will help you navigate different applications of Spanish numbers in your daily life. In this lesson, we will explore the different types of numbers in Spanish, their pronunciation. Numbers from one to one million

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The video is about how to ask for and give directions. This informative video covered the basics of asking for directions, using landmarks and giving clear instructions. It started with a scenario of a tourist in a foreign city asking  local residents for directions. The video emphasized the importance of using polite and clear language while asking for help.

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A pronoun is a type of word that is used in place of a noun. Pronouns can be used to refer to people, objects, animals, or even abstract things. For example, instead of repeating someone's name over and over again, you can use a pronoun like "él," "ella," or "ellos." Pronouns are an important part of Spanish grammar because they help to make our sentences less repetitive and more concise. There are many different types of pronouns, including personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns. Understanding how to use pronouns correctly is essential for effective communication in Spanish.

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Spanish comprehension video about Russian-Ukrainian conflict.You can find out how the whole conflict started then in the second part of the video questions need to be answered

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Regular verb is any verb whose conjugation follows the typical pattern of the language to which it belongs. A verb whose conjugation follows a different pattern is called an irregular verb

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Spanish and Portuguese are two beautiful Romance languages that share many similarities, both linguistically and culturally. There are however some notable differences between these two languages when it comes to vocabulary and pronunciation. While some words may look or sound alike, others can be quite different, both in meaning and usage. Knowing these differences can be crucial for anyone learning either language, and can help avoid embarrassing language errors. So whether you're a linguistics enthusiast or simply curious about these languages, watch the video about the similarities and differences between Spanish and Portuguese languages. 

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Food idioms are expressions or sayings that use food-related words or phrases to convey a specific message or meaning. These idioms are often used in everyday conversations and are an interesting way to spice up your speech. From "ser un bombón" to "esto es pan comido," food idioms have become a common part of modern language. In this video, we will explore some of the most popular food idioms in Spanish

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Spanish proficiency tests help gauge your language skills and determine your level of comprehension and communication abilities.While there are a variety of Spanish proficiency tests available, it's important to find one that best matches your goals and abilities. In this regard, there are specific tests for intermediate level learners that assess your progress in the Spanish language.
40 questions for intermediate learners

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Gardening has become an increasingly popular hobby in recent times. It not only promotes physical activity but also provides numerous mental health and environmental benefits. This lesson can help you learn specific gardening terms and vocabulary in Spanish. Happy gardening !

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Spanish and Romanian are two distinct languages, but they share a common linguistic root in Latin, and as a result they have many words in common.

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In a world where superficial connections often dominate our interactions, the essence of true friendship is a rare gem that many seek but few find. It's a bond that transcends time and distance, built on a foundation of trust, loyalty, and mutual respect. The video that shines a spotlight on the beauty and depth of genuine friendship. Follow the story of Luis and the fox, showcasing the power of genuine connection, loyalty and support.Let's explore what it means to truly be there for one another.

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Grow your vocabulary with plant based words.Learn how plants grow in spring, and what are their developmental stages

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