Spanish Text Abbreviations | How to shorten words used in chat

How to shorten words

Text abbreviations are commonly used in digital communication and social media platforms. They are shortened versions of words and phrases that are easy and quick to type. Texting has become an efficient way of communication, and these abbreviations make it even faster. 

Initially, the concept of text abbreviations came into existence due to the character limit in text messages. The advent of social media platforms, such as Twitter and Snapchat, further popularized the use of these shortcuts. 

Famous abbreviations such as ‘LOL’ (laugh out loud), ‘BRB’ (be right back), and ‘OMG’ (oh my god) are used frequently in everyday communication. These abbreviations have become a part of modern-day language. 

However, the overuse of text abbreviations can be problematic as it may lead to misunderstandings, especially when communicating with someone who is unfamiliar with these shortcuts. Therefore, it is essential to use these abbreviations conservatively. 

In conclusion, text abbreviations are a handy tool that makes communication easy and fast. However, it is important to use them sensibly to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

Here are some of the most commonly used abbreviations in Spanish 

1. xq – por qué
2. dnd – dónde
3. pq – porque
4. tb – también
5. q – qué
6. sb – sabe
7. sts – estáis
8. vs – vosotros
9. vdd – verdad
10. x – por
11. hbl – habla
12. wap – guapo
13. kmo – como
14. mjr – mejor
15. plz – por favor
16. slds – saludos
17. cm – como
18. cmq – como quieras
19. dp – después
20. km – kilómetros

21. Ud. - Usted
22. D. - Don
23. Dña. - Doña
24. Sr. - Señor
25. Sra. - Señora
26. p.ej. - por ejemplo
27. pág. - página 
28. dcha. - derecha
29. izq. (izqda.) - izquierda
30. n.° - número



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