English Symbols

Keyboard symbols are an essential part of modern communication, whether we are texting, emailing, or using social media. Unlike conventional letters and numbers, keyboard symbols are made up of various characters and icons that can convey different emotions and ideas.

Some of the most commonly used keyboard symbols include the exclamation mark (!), the question mark (?), the ampersand (&), the dollar sign ($), and the at symbol (@). Each of these symbols has a unique purpose, whether it's to emphasize a point, ask a question, or denote a specific character or word.

In addition to these basic symbols, there are also a wide variety of other keyboard symbols that can be used to express different feelings and ideas. For example, the smiley face :) is commonly used to express happiness or humor, while the sad face :( can convey sadness or disappointment.

Other popular keyboard symbols include the heart symbol <3, which is often used to express love or admiration, and the star symbol *, which can be used to indicate excellence or achievement. There are also several keyboard symbols that are used for mathematical or scientific purposes, such as the percent symbol (%) and the degree symbol (°).

Overall, keyboard symbols are an important part of our day-to-day communication in the digital age, and they have become an essential tool for expressing ourselves in different ways. Whether we are sending a simple text message or composing a complex email, keyboard symbols are a powerful way to convey our thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a clear and effective way.

I summarized the symbols used on the  keyboard. Learn how to pronounce them   



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you teacher