
Spanish Homophones

old lady and old man

First of all, let's clarify what homophone words are
Pronounced exactly the same as another but spelled differently and has a different meaning

Listen to these words

Hola (hi) - Ola (wave)
Caza (hunt) - Casa (house)
Siento (sorry) - Ciento (100)
Cayó (fell) - Calló (shut up)
Votar (vote) - Botar (throw)
Sierra (saw) - Cierra (close)
Coser (sew) - Cocer (cook)
Lama (lama) - Llama (flame)

More words

basta(enough) - vasta (vast)
bienes (property) - vienes(come)
hierba (herb) - hierva (boil)
hierro (iron) - yerro (mistake)
sumo (supreme) - zumo (juice)

What is your opinion?


Aron said...

This lesson was funny. I liked it very,make more similar videos

LZL said...

All right👍

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