
Sightseeing in London Exercises


1. In which building can the Hans Sloane collection be located? 
2.  Which building is on Ludgate Hill? ..............................................................................................
3.  Where was Lady Diana buried? ..............................................................................................
4.  Which building's chapel was damaged in II. World War? 
5.  Which building was also used as a prison? ..............................................................................................
6.  What was built between 1886 and 1894? ..............................................................................................
7.  To which roof of the building do 334 stairs lead? ..............................................................................................
8.  In which building did the fire break out in 1834? ..............................................................................................
9.  From where can you see the city up to a distance of 40 km? 

Answer key
1. British Museum; 2. Saint Paul's Cathedral; 3.Westminster Abbey; 4. Buckingham Palace; 5. Tower of London; 6. Tower Bridge; 7. Big Ben; 8. Westminster Palace; 9. London Eye

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