
Spanish preposiciones - Por vs. Para

What is the prepostions?

Prepositions have neither genders (feminine, masculine) nor numbers (singular or plural)

Learn the differences between them. The meaning of both of them : for, but they're used completely differently



▪ cause, reason
someone gives cause for action

    No podemos salir por la lluvia (We can't leave because of the rain)

 ▪ Exchange
how much something cost

    Compré este vestido por 8500 dolares (I bought this dress for $ 8500 )

    Gracias por la comida (Thanks for the meal)

    Quisiera cambiar este zapato por un nuevo (I'd like to exchange this shoe for a new one)

does not indicate a destination but a location

    No hay policía por aquí (There is not police here)

 indicating the creator of a work

    El principito fue escrito por Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (The Little Prince was written by Antoine de Saint Exupery)


Indicate the result of an action

indicate intent or need

    Estudia para profesora (She studies to become a teacher)

    Quisiera una torta de chocolate para dos personas (I would like a chocolate cake for two people)

indicate the intention to travel

    Un billete de autobus para Cordoba, por favor ( A bus ticket for Cordoba, please)

    Queridos pasajeros, nos vamos para Monaco (Dear passangers,we're going for Monaco)

No later than, by
complete an operation by a certain time

    Estaremos allí para las ocho (We'll be there around eight)

    El bebé llegará para la Navidad (The baby will arrive no later than Christmas)


the equivalent of words "in light of the fact that" or "in view of"

    Para niño es hábil (Considering that he's a child , he's skillful)
    Para ella es difícil (For her it's difficult) 

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