
Spanish Voice Vocabulary

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful"

As many people as many voices

You like to hear the voices of many people but you can not tell why you like it.  

In this regard, I have gathered the words with which you can express your liking


átona - unstressed
ronca  - hoarse
varonil - manly
dramática - dramatic
tierna - tender
seductora - seductive
jadeante - panting
monótona - monotonous
arisca - surly
gutural - throaty
molesta - upset
trémula - tremulous
hipnótica - hypnotic
anodina - bland 
dulce - pleasant
cantarina - singing
melódica - melodic
severa - strict
susurrante - whispering


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What is your opinion?


Laura said...

muchas gracias. yo odio mi voz propia

Anonymous said...

Laura no estás sola 😉😀

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