
Reported Question in English

It's not so different from reported statements. The tense changes in the same way, we keep the question word.

Direct speech

  • Where do you live?

The direct question is in present tense. 
If we ask a question, we use 'do' and or 'does'so we have to take that away.

- Where do you live?  

then put the verb to the past simple.

- where you lived

Reported speech

  • He asked me where I lived.

Example :
Direct speech :  Where is the sugar bowl?
Reported speech : He asked me where sugar bowl was.

If we answer the question with "yes" or "no"  instead of question word, we use "if". 

Direct speech: 

  • Do you like learning English?

Reported speech: 

  • He asked me if I liked learning English.

Learn more about Reported Speech

1 comment:

LZL said...

You wrote it right 👍🏽

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