Spanish Vocabulary Lesson You Must See - La Vista

Vocabulary Lesson with Essential View Words 

Understanding how to express the concept of vision and the different aspects related to it in Spanish can greatly enrich your vocabulary and enhance your ability to communicate effectively. In this lesson, we will dive into the realm of Spanish vocabulary with eyes.

Ver : to see something
      Veo el error pero no puedo hacer nada. (I see the error but I can't do anything)

Vigilar : to watch, keep an eye on something
       ¿Puedes vigilar mis maletas mientras voy al baño? (Could you watch my bags while I go to the bathroom?)

Observar : to observe, looking at something carefully
     Si observas con atención el cielo podrás ver una estrella de fugaz. (If you observe carefully the sky you will see a shooting star)

Contemplar : to view
Me gusta contemplar el paisaje cuando viajo en tren. (I like to contemplate the landscape when I travel by train)

Ojear : to peek
      Estoy ojeando las en la pista de baile
      (I'm checking them out on the dance floor)

Parpadear : to blink
     Estoy parpadeando por lo rápido que ha crecido esta chica. Recientemente comenzó el jardín de infantes. (I'm blinking at how fast this girl has grown. She recently started kindergarten)

Mirar : to look
      ¡Mira el horario de autobus antes de subir al autobus! (Check the bus schedule before getting on the bus!) 

Vislumbrar: to glimpse, see something imprecisely
      ¿Papa, has visto mi dibujo? Sí, lo he vislumbrado. ( Papa, have you seen my drawing? Yes, I have glimpsed it) 



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