
Spanish Idioms Related To School Years


The school year has ended in some countries and summer has arrived. It's that glorious moment when students can leave their textbooks behind and enjoy their well-deserved rest. Here are some expressions and vocabulary related to this topic.

1.¡Al fin se rompe el fuego! - This means that a stressful time, such as exam time has come to an end.

2. Estar de vacaciones - Free from academic responsibilities.

3. Respirar aires de libertad - Feeling liberated after a long period of studies.

4.  Hacer una pausa - Take a break.

5. Darle la bienvenida al verano - Celebrate the arrival of this long-awaited season.

6. Tener todo el tiempo del mundo - Have a lot of free time without restrictions.

7. Dormir hasta tarde - Take the opportunity to rest and sleep more than usual.

8. Salir de la rutina - Change usual activities and do different things.

9. Recargar energĂ­as - Take advantage of this time to rest and rejuvenate for the upcoming school year.

So make the most of summer and get ready to recharge your batteries before starting a new school year full of challenges and learning.



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