
Spanish Cardinal Numbers

In this lesson I teach you how to write and pronounce spanish numbers. At the end of the video you can playfully check your memory 

Spanish Numbers

Cardinal numbers can be adjectives and nouns.
When a number is used as an adjective there is no need to change the gender of the numbers except for numbers 1 and 100

Uno becomes 
uno if we talk about masculine nouns, 
una if we talk about femenine nouns

For example : 
Tengo una ropa limpia ( I have a clean clothes)
Compré un libro ( I bought a book)

Cien changes to ciento/cienta according to the gender

For example :
Llegan ciento y viente personas a la boda. (120 people come to the wedding)
He leído cienta y diez paginas del nuevo libro.
(I've read 110 pages of the new book)

Watch now : 

Learn the numbers 

0:18 - 5: 17 0 -100 
5:23 -7:55 101-1000
8:03 2000 - one million
9:23 Number game

Print worksheets

¡Elige el número correcto según la descripción!


What is your opinion?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the worksheets

LZL said...

De nada 😊

Camilla said...

Very detailed video. Nice work 👏🏼

LZL said...

Thank you Camilla 😊

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