English "Get" phrasal verb & collocation


Get into: 
Get into the car, we don't have much time
Get away :
Get away from the house
Get out of : 
It's 8 o'clock. Get out of bed.
Get on:
I get on well with my new colleague
Get off:
I get off at the office
Get over:
I get over the Mexican border
Get down to:
Let's get down to work
Get across:
Bob can't get his idea across to the boss
Get along:
Charlie didn't get along with Kate

Get on with:
How do get on with your new boss?
Get back at:
I get back at you
Get at:
My sister always get at me


Get a call : I didn't get a call from Susan
Get a chance : I got a chance to go on a boat trip
Get a cold : If you don't put on your coat you'll get a cold
Get a job : It's hard to get a job in my country but harder abroad
Get a letter : I'll get a letter from my foreign friend
Get angry : If I have to pay more I'll get angry
Get changed : I have to get changed before workout
Get divorced : Brian and Jane got divorced after their son was born
Get married: Paul and Peter get married soon

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