English Look Collocations

A collocation is two words that go together

  • look at: 
Look at this picture attentively  

  • look after: 
Look after yourself ! 

  • look away:
I always have nausea in the car. If I have to vomit I look away.

  • look for: 
I look for sunglasses. 

  • look forward to: 
Will you come to the school ball with me ?  
I look forward to your reply.

  • look into:
A: I can't see well far away. B: Please, look into my eyes.

  • look up:
Look up the sky and you'll see the stars.

  • look through:
Look through the window.

  • look over:   
Look over the first chapter of the book.

  • look up to:
He's a famous scientist. I respect him very much and look up to him.

  • look out: 
The tree is leaning. Look out !

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